Learn cricket in the best environment in Canada.

The OCA Fall-Winter season has 3 main programs: Academy, Development and High Performance. Below, you can see which one is best for you!
Learn about the Academy Program
Our flagship program is where players will develop fundamental skills in batting, bowling, fielding, and wicketkeeping.
Players will be in small groups, by certified coaches, and supported to improve and learn at their own pace.
Believe in your abilities and keep working towards your dreams; you will achieve great things.
Suitable for Beginner to Intermediate level players.
See a typical session here
AGES 4 to 18 (Groups from Under 7 to Under 18)
Location- 20 Newkirk Court, Unit 2
Under 7 and 9 -
Tuesday 6pm to 7:30pm and Saturday 10:00am
Under 11 -
Wednesday 6pm to 7:30pm and Saturday 10:30am to 12:00pm
Under 13 -
Wednesday 7:30pm to 9:00pm and Saturday 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Under 15 -
Tuesday 7:30pm to 9:00pm and Saturday 1:30pm to 3:00pm
Location- 1081 Meyerside Drive, Unit 7
Under 7 and 9 -
Pick 2 out of 3 options below
Tuesday 6pm to 7:30pm / Saturday 9:00am to 10:30am / Sunday 10:30am to 12:00pm
Under 11 -
Pick 2 out of 3 options below
Wednesday 6pm to 7:30pm / Saturday 10:30am to 12:00pm / Sunday 10:30am to 12:00pm
Under 13 -
Pick 2 out of 3 options below
Wednesday 7:30pm to 9:00pm / Saturday 12:00pm to 1:30pm / Sunday 9:00am to 10:30am
Under 15 -
Tuesday 7:30pm to 9:00pm and Sunday 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Under 18 -
Friday 6:00pm - 7:30pm and Sunday 1:30pm to 3:00pm
• 1 Month - $180
• Monthly Pre-Authorized Payments for 5 months - $170/month + FREE Uniform
• 3 Months (-12%) - $475 (save $65) + FREE Uniform
• 5 Months (-15%) - $756 (save $135) + FREE Uniform
Learn about the Development Program
This is an add-on to the Academy Program, designed for players wanting to place more focus on their game and achieve improvement at a faster pace, this will place more emphasis on skills development and taking players to the next level in technique and performance.
Typically sessions will be drill based honing in on improving a player’s overall technique.
AGE GROUPS - Under 11 to Under 18
Location- 1081 Meyerside Drive, Unit 7
** 2 x Academy sessions (from Academy schedule in your child’s age group) plus 1 x Development session (schedule below)
Under 11 -
Pick 1 out of 2 options below
Thursday 6pm to 7:30pm or Saturday 1:30pm to 3:00pm
Under 13 -
Pick 1 out of 2 options below
Thursday 6pm to 7:30pm or Saturday 1:30pm to 3:00pm
Under 15 -
Pick 1 out of 2 options below
Thursday 7:30pm to 9:00pm orSunday 3:00pm to 4:30pm
Under 18 -
Pick 1 out of 2 options below
Thursday 7:30pm to 9:00pm or Sunday 3:00pm to 4:30pm
• 1 Month - $250
• Monthly Pre-Authorized Payments for 12 months - $225
• 3 Months (-12%) - $660 (save $90) + FREE Uniform
• 5 Months (-15%) - $1062.50 (save $187.50) + FREE Uniform
• 7 Months (-17%) - $1452.50 (save $297.50) + FREE Uniform
Learn about the Advanced+ Program
This is an add-on to the Academy Program, designed for players wanting to place more focus on their game and achieve improvement at a faster pace, this will place more emphasis on skills development and taking players to the next level in technique and performance.
Typically sessions will be drill based honing in on improving a player’s overall technique.
AGE GROUPS - Under 11 to Under 18
Location- 1081 Meyerside Drive, Unit 7
** 2 x Academy sessions (from Academy schedule in your child’s age group) plus 1 x Development session (schedule below)
Under 11 -
Pick 1 out of 2 options below
Thursday 6pm to 7:30pm or Saturday 1:30pm to 3:00pm
Under 13 -
Pick 1 out of 2 options below
Thursday 6pm to 7:30pm or Saturday 1:30pm to 3:00pm
Under 15 -
Pick 1 out of 2 options below
Thursday 7:30pm to 9:00pm orSunday 3:00pm to 4:30pm
Under 18 -
Pick 1 out of 2 options below
Thursday 7:30pm to 9:00pm or Sunday 3:00pm to 4:30pm
• 1 Month - $250
• Monthly Pre-Authorized Payments for 12 months - $225
• 3 Months (-12%) - $660 (save $90) + FREE Uniform
• 5 Months (-15%) - $1062.50 (save $187.50) + FREE Uniform
• 7 Months (-17%) - $1452.50 (save $297.50) + FREE Uniform
Learn about the High Performance Program
This is a reserved/select program for players exhibiting an advanced skill set and performance level. Most or all of these players are already playing representative cricket.
The OCA coaching staff will nominate players as well as review applications from those who are interested to be a part of this program.
Here we will develop players’ skills at an advanced/elite level and expose them to more rigorous training aimed at future professional honors.
SESSIONS PER WEEK = 3-4 (depending on age)
AGE GROUPS - Under 13 to Under 18
If you want to be considered for this program, please contact us via email and let us know: Players name and age, playing role, experience, stats (if available) and share any videos (if available)
Selected players will be advised of schedule
Fees are $180 month (this program is partially sponsored by the organization).
Complete the registration form (click here) once you are done, close that window and complete STEP 2.
Choose a location, program and package from the lists above
For Mississauga make payment via e-transfer to ontariocricket@gmail.com or by credit card
For Brampton make payment via e-transfer to bramptoncrickethub@gmail.com or by credit card
Make sure to mention child’s name in the memo section of the e-transfer
Read and understand the “Welcome to OCA” booklet (click here)
Any questions please contact us for support
We are leaders in cricket coaching
With a proven history of producing top level players, from a young age, the Ontario Cricket Academy is without a doubt your bet choice for learning and growing in the game!